

Ask the Guides

Are you facing challenges with Health, Money or Relationships? Do you feel stuck and don’t know which way to turn, or what is your purpose?

Hi Raphael, Thank you for your answers.  Many of the things you said were just in the periphery of my consciousness, others I had heard but not heeded, and others honestly hadn’t occurred to me though they seemed obvious as you gave voice to them. More amazingly, I saw so much of myself in each of the other four women, their circumstances and their queries, that it felt beyond synchronistic. My doubts and questions were answered through your conversations with them as much as with me. Wow. Rebecca

Bring your questions for The Guides. They will share a brief message and answer your questions.

6:00 – 7:30 PM MST on 12th March

The exchange is $20

Currently this event is on hold until further notice and popular demand

 Check on this page for updates. Click here to register, or scan the graphic:

Book A Session


The Galactic Alliance – A Cosmic Conversation held on February 29th at 7 PM MST via Zoom.

Please join me and Sheila Seppi for a free exciting and informative Cosmic Conversation as we explore The Path of the Spiritual Warrior

Here is the replay of our Conversation:

Cosmic Conversations will be live streamed on YouTube, FB, Roku, Amazon Fire, Apple and Android TV plus over 40+ other broadcast platforms through Conscious Awakening Please check us out if you have not already

Here is the previous message:

Ask the Guides, a bi-weekly Zoom session is back. We gather online on alternate Tuesday evenings on Zoom to hear a brief message from the Guides and receive answers to your pressing questions. To register and pay, please visit my Scheduling program PickTime, click on “New Appointment” and choose “Class Session.” Click on “New Attendee” and fill in your info. Call or email me if you have any problems signing up. You can also access the link in the calendar and click on the entry for 6-7:30 PM on the 30th  January, and click on “Add Attendee”.

Click on the photo to access my presentation and conversation with Lauren Galey Soul Shine: REPLAY on YouTube

We are entering a phase of great changes when we will be facing many challenges on a personal and collective level. The Guides are excited to address your concerns and questions about the best way to navigate these changes. They are also happy to advise you about your personal issues, always offering guidance from the highest levels of love and light, beyond judgment.

Here is the replay of our Quantum Conversation with Lauren Galey. I hope you enjoy the wisdom of the Guides and their messages and answers


For both this introductory webinar and the 12-week course, it is recommended that you begin reading The Path of the Spiritual Warrior.

The Path of the Spiritual Warrior

The Path of the Heart 12-week Course begins on Tuesday 26th September and runs for 12 (maybe 13) weeks every Tuesday evening from 8:30 -10:30 PM MDT. Please note this is a new time to accommodate attendees in Australia and a Mom who has to put her kids to bed first.
 The cost of the 12 (or 13) week program is reduced to $250 It will create a basic workbook, and you will receive a recording of each class, an individual channeled reading, or a Body Code, Emotion Code, or HeartThread session as part of the course. If you have a Heart Wall, I will guarantee to work with you to clear it. This usually takes up to about three Emotion Code sessions. The end product of the course will be published and made available as a workbook called The Path of the Heart.

To Register for any of these events, please email me at and go to the payment links below

Venmo – If asked, the last 4 digits of my phone number are 1228

ZelleSend to email address Healingthescars@



Here are the latest messages from the Guides:

Meher and Raphael Collaboration

Preparing for Change


Below are a few recent Channeled Messages

To view more messages from the Guides, Please visit the Video page

A moment in Paradise
The latest message

Here is the channeling of the Guides for Samhain

November 1st

Here are two more recent channelings for the Eclipse season. The one below is a collaboration with Meher Madon on the astrology of the Lunar Eclipse 11/18/22 and the other is a short transmission in my special spot up the mountain, Message From The woods:


The Masters of Wisdom Speak
Message from September 27th. Next session 18th October
Powerful message from The Masters of Wisdom

Everything is working for a higher purpose. In this powerful message, the Guides take us through many of the steps towards finding equanimity in the midst of chaos and challenge. They bring us the Path of the Spiritual Warrior, using the breath, the sword of truth and a daily practice to develop our spiritual muscle so that we can release the old stories and conditioning.


Tuesday 27th at 6:00 PM MST will be the next channeling session from The Guides. Join us on Zoom or in-person to hear their message and answer your questions.

Here is the message from 9/13/22

Healing the Divide


Mehernaz Madon and Raphael Weisman continue to offer their collaborative wisdom. Meher discusses the significance of the upcoming Harvest Full Moon in Virgo and Raphael elaborates with channeled messages from the Guides. We are doing another Shungite and Jewelry Open House at the office from 2 to 4 PM followed by the Full Moon circle/collaboration/blessing in person and live online from 4 to 5:30 PM.  By donation. Details of the Zoom link :

Topic: Astrology with Meher & Raphael
Time: Sep 10, 2022 04:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 825 4046 9748
Passcode: 761704
One tap mobile
+16694449171,,82540469748#,,,,*761704# US
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Please subscribe to my YouTube channel and to Meher’s: Meher’s website is
#astrology, #akashic, #channeledmessages, #guidance, #wisdom, #angels, #shungite, #fullmoon, #harvestmoon


Here is the latest message from the Guides

Celebrate the Challenge from 8/30/2022


Aug 17, 2022. Crossing The Threshold

We have passed the turning point in the “battle” between the forces of Life and the energies that wish to control and enslave Humanity. We are ready for more light and are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Lightbearers, you are being asked to face your demons, fears and shadow aspects so that you can embrace more light and tip the balance. In essence, the “war” has already been won. Pay attention to your heart’s wisdom and inner guidance. Do not listen to the agendas of fear, consumerism and production. Life is for joy and fulfillment. You deserve to have what your heart longs for. We are creating the New Earth based on love, cooperation, mutual respect, ease and grace. Please subscribe to this YouTube channel. We bring a message each alternate Tuesday evening and answer your questions.


Divine Blueprint: July 19th, 2022

Many have chosen to be here at this time to carry and disseminate the light, to be the lighthouses. We came to serve Mother Earth and Humanity and bring the Golden Light of our divine blueprint to shine into the darkness at this time. It is important to find a way to stay steady. When we have gratitude, patience and trust, the miracles, magic and grace shows up. Nature is our guide and our Garden of Eden.


Tuesday 5th July Message

In the previous message, the Guides addressed the importance of pursuing a spiritual practice and being able to transform the negative into the positive. They stress the importance of breath, Nature, a healthy lifestyle and commitment to the light. You have agreed to be here now so your light can assist others and inspire them to also embrace light and release the old patterns that keep us stuck. When we are afraid or unwilling to face our fears, doubts and shadow, it is time to embrace the path of the Spiritual Warrior.
The next channeling session will be on Tuesday, 21st June in person in Santa Fe at 439C West San Francisco Street, Santa Fe and on Zoom, 6:30 PM MST. Please register HERE for online attendance with your $20 contribution and I will send you the Zoom link 

The One Voice Tuesday 6:30 PM MST


Here is the last Channeling session in May:


Meet the Guides Message 4/12/22

Below is a sampling of the wisdom of the guides followed by a video of the last session

Q: Life seems such a struggle sometimes, especially now. Can you offer any advice?

 A: It is your birthright to have ease and grace in your life. Your soul chose these current challenges for your evolution towards this state. Remember to breathe and let go, release the past and inhabit your body. Thus, you open space in your cells for new imprints, Light, more trust and peace of mind. You do not need to suffer. It’s the resistance to what is that causes suffering. Your conditioned belief systems are outdated impositions on your innocence.

What’s required to shift these patterns is constant vigilance to reverse the voices in your mind that diminish you. It is necessary to love yourself without judgment, guilt or shame. It is necessary to forgive. This is the most powerful practice you can do, starting with yourself.

 Your judgements, assumptions, projections and beliefs cause your suffering. Let go of your story. Everyone who harmed you, did so from their woundedness. We are all connected. The ties that bind us to our pain, resentments and anger can be released, in that breath. Understand that your soul agreed with these “others” to create the story with you. Recognize your beauty, power, innocence and purity. You’re an expression of the love of God. As you trust and forgive, ease and grace replace the old story. Then miracles, synchronicities and magic become commonplace.

Eventually you become the teacher, through Presence, allowance, acceptance. You don’t want your story anymore! Ground yourself each day, Mother Earth below, Father Sky above, your hands on your heart. Let your fear melt away; let your armor dissolve and trust in your guides, Angels and intuition. Follow your heart. It will not lead you astray. We love you.

Meet the Guides Message 3/15/22

HeartThread Practitioner Training.

credit: Milan Boudewijn Tettero

credit: Milan Boudewijn Tettero

HeartThread Practitioner Training.
May 13th-15th, Nataraja Studios, Burlington, VT

Join Flo Aevea Magdalena and me in Burlington Vermont for an opportunity of a lifetime to become a practitioner of one of the most powerful healing and transformational modalities on the planet.

HeartThread is a Revolutionary, transformational modality that transmits a frequency of love, safety & connection through the field of the heart, releasing old patterns of trauma & conditioning from the body. It is facilitated by a practitioner utilizing sound and touch. The practitioner’s hands gently tune in to the message points on the back of the client’s body, receiving words. The sound of the client’s voice repeating the words affects the cells & the old imprints are released, replaced by light and life enhancing patterns. This process can even be done over the phone.

“Raphael’s gentle, guided hands knew where I needed the most healing. He touched upon an old, deep wound in my heart, and with the grace of the guides, he opened me to seeing and releasing a painful past wound in a bubble of love and safety. Raphael has the hands and heart of a magician. Thayer



Pharoah Ay will be our messenger next Tuesday as the 12th voice of The Companions, Tuesday, April 20th at 5:30 PM MST.
Chief Joseph,’s message from Ghost Ranch on Tuesday 13th April was profound.

Mary Magdalen will close out the series as the 13th Voice on the 27th April.

There is more information on the series and the registration link here:
The manuscript of the Book of the first 13 Voices, The New Earth Council is now complete and ready for its publisher. Please contact me if you would like to preview the manuscript.


Chief Joseph

The Prophet will be our messenger next Tuesday as the 9th voice of The Companions, Tuesday, April 6th at 5:30 PM MST.
Chief Joseph, pictured above, will be the 10th voice coming to you from Ghost Ranch on the 13th April.

There is more information on the series and the registration link here:


Shungite Necklaces




The Companions

You are invited to join me on a new course as we receive the messages from the second series of 12 voices and weave their messages and answers to your questions together with the first 12 voices of the New Earth Council into a comprehensive combination of wisdom and guidance encompassing the 144 and then assisting in their amalgamation into the One Voice.

I invite you to join me in this process of the amalgamation of the first and second group of 12 voices and their coalescence into the One Voice. We begin this journey on Tuesday the 12th January, 2021 at 5:30 PM MST via Zoom.  The course is by sliding scale $150- 300. Register here for the 13 week Zoom course and please use this PayPal link for your subscription blessing after 1st January, 2021. If you are unfamiliar with Zoom or have questions or concerns, feel free to call me at (575) 770-1228. This is an International Course and you are welcome to join from anywhere in the Galaxy.

Below is a list of the 12 new “Voices” in the order that I received them. I will post a brief summary of who each voice is or represents before the class. We will follow this order.

  1. The Templar
  2. The Master
  3. Mother Mary
  4. Mother Earth
  5. Shiva/Kali
  6. The Ones with No Names
  7. Herman Rednick
  8. Judas
  9. Archangel Raphael
  10. The Prophet
  11. Chief Joseph
  12. Ay
  13. Mary Magdalen


This video recently surfaced. It is about the Medicine Water Wheel and the power of ceremony and blessing the Waters. It was taken in 2016 as a film-making project by students at the Santa Fe Community College and was believed lost. It recently was found and it felt like a message to join together again at our Santa Fe Medicine Water Wheel in Frenchy’s Park to pray for water, bless Mother Earth and share in ceremony. This video features me and J lynch


(575) 770-1228


Channeling. Credit :Milan Boudewijn Tettero

Raphael Weisman channels Messages from The Angels

and answers your questions

Monday 16th March, 2020
from 7:00 – 9:00 PM
at Healing The Scars, 439 C West San Francisco Street, Santa Fe, NM
(575) 770-1228
“Raphael is a gifted and gentle healer and speaker. I have had heart thread sessions in the phone and in person, and attended a channeled meditation. All experiences were amazing, healing and transformative.” 💓💗  Nicole
(Photo credit: Milan Boudewijn Tettero)

credit: Milan Boudewijn Tettero

(Photo credit: Milan Boudewijn Tettero)

HeartThread Sessions by appointment

HeartThread is a powerful transformational modality that releases old patterns and imprints
allowing you to live your self-authority from your true essence.

Become a HeartThread Practitioner

HeartThread Practitioner Training
Santa Fe, NM

Call (575) 770-1228

Become a HeartThread Practitioner and assist your clients to release old patterns, imprints and conditioning from their field as they discover their true purpose and how to live in Self Authority from their Essence.
This intensive training will transform your life and provide a way to generate an income by offering a truly beneficial service to others and yourself
Course fee $800

Payment plans available.

Trainer: Raphael Weisman
Find out more about HeartThread and the practitioner Training:

(575) 770 1228



The Legacy of the Essenes, The Coming Together of the Ages

Who were the Essenes and what was their role in the evolution of Consciousness? What is their message for us today as we stand on the brink of a New World? Join us as we time travel towards the dawn of civilization and the seeding of the Mystery Schools that carried the Light and the teachings of Oneness. Explore what we can learn from them about community, health, healing, equality, balance and power. How we can embody the lessons of Nature and honor our connection with our Earthly Mother, our Heavenly Father and the Angels of the Sun and Moon, Water and Air.

How do we balance Love and Service in the world through both giving and receiving in equal measure so we honor and nurture our unique contribution and blueprint, thereby assisting in the advent of the Peace of a million Years of Dreaming. How can we support and provide models for the “New Children”, for equality between men and women and true community.

IMG_7909 3Join Raphael Weisman as we explore these fascinating connections, avenues and understandings. Raphael has been researching these ancient weavings and for many years has held a vision of Community that embodies these principles in practice in the world of today.

You can access a recommended reading list of books that cover many of these aspects of consciousness pertaining to the Essenes and the Ancient teachers and mystics that upheld the Light and the Law of One over the aeons of time we have been in existence, on Raphael’s website

Who were the Essenes and what was their role in the evolution of Consciousness? What is their message for us today as we stand on the brink of a New World? Join us as we time travel towards the dawn of civilization and the seeding of the Mystery Schools that carried the Light and the teachings of Oneness. Explore what we can learn from them about community, health, healing, equality, balance and power. How we can embody the lessons of Nature and honor our connection with our Earthly Mother, our Heavenly Father and the Angels of the Sun and Moon, Water and Air.

How do we balance Love and Service in the world through both giving and receiving in equal measure so we honor and nurture our unique contribution and blueprint, thereby assisting in the advent of the Peace of a Million Years of Dreaming. How can we support and provide models for the “New Children”, for equality between men and women and true community.

IMG_6959Join Raphael Weisman as we explore these fascinating connections, avenues and understandings. Raphael has been researching these ancient weavings and for many years has held a vision of Community that embodies these principles in practice in the world of today.

You can access a recommended reading list of books that cover many of these aspects of consciousness pertaining to the Essenes and the Ancient teachers and mystics that upheld the Light and the Law of One over the aeons of time we have been in existence, on Raphael’s website

2 thoughts on “Events

  1. Pingback: Welcome to my website | Raphael Weisman

  2. Pingback: The New Earth Council | Raphael Weisman

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