Messages from the Angels

On this page you will find a few initial messages from Spiritual Guides who address themselves as “Angels”. New messages appear as posts so that they would appear on the Blog Post page of this website. You can read about specific guides who have shared their wisdom through me by name, such as John Henry , Ashtara, Marian, The Shining Ones and Old Chinese in separate posts or pages. I also receive messages from The Council of Light, The Ones with No Names, Mary Magdalena, and The Christ, Grandfather Tree and the Spirit of the Waters on occasion. I am available for personal channeled readings in which I answer your questions and bring messages for you. You can reach me through the Contact page:


Here is a recording of the Channeling session I shared with the group at the Walking In Beauty 3 day ceremony in The Netherlands during the Autumn Equinox this September. Because it covers so much basic ground, I felt it is applicable to everyone and the  answers to individual questions cover issues of interest to us all, even though they were specific. I hope you will enjoy listening.

I will be posting photos and insights from my visit to the Netherlands and Glastonbury on the blog page of this site in the near future.


Here is a lovely Testimonial:

“If you have the opportunity to experience Raphael’s channeling, I would greatly recommend it.  Raphael is tuned into a high vibrational awareness and conducts accurate and wise messages that touch into personal information and guidance from angels.  Not just anyone can do that, and do it well, so if you are fortunate enough to come in contact with him and his work, you will be glad you did.  
-Jeva B. 

Here are a few messages below; a recent one from a guide named Ashtara, called “Aspects”



Painting by Herman Rednick

We are here with you once again to share some insights for this time. I am Ashtara. I represent the feminine aspect of the one who transmits these messages. In some way I am an angel and from another perspective, I am this one’s feminine aspect. I am also a representative of what you call the “Galactic Federation”.  As you ponder on the unfathomable world around you, you may be surprised to realize that everything can be seen from many perspectives, some seemingly juxtaposed and regarded as opposites. For the world of flesh and blood, the 3rd dimensional world that you swim in, is a creation based upon polarity. It is not the “True” Reality. But then, what is that? Is there such a thing? Can a human being see with perspectives that transcends dualism, transcend the world of opposites, cold and hot, light and dark, innocence and guilt? The answer is “yes”!

As the world is evolving at this pivotal time in your history/herstory, many are following a path that they are hoping will lead them to some form of enlightenment. They seek wisdom and guidance, attend seminars and gatherings and follow those who seem to have answers, charisma and some aura of Grace about them. There is much soul searching for those who are no longer satisfied with the status quo and with what they see and experience around them. They are rushing to the yoga studios and the ceremonies and the shamans and the practices of the East and indigenous ones, attempting to move beyond the restrictions and paradigms of the past, be it the dogmas of the patriarchy or the restrictions of religious upbringing that never brought freedom or spirituality into the young lives.

You have an amazing opportunity at this time in your evolution because you are at the end point of a certain organicity. What I mean by that is there is a moment in time when everything is coming to a standstill, almost as if the moment before everything comes crashing down. There is an expectancy that something majorly has to change otherwise it all will come crashing down. And yet there is great confusion because the chaos is so great that people lose hope. They become despondent and you have those who cannot bear it and leave by their own  accord. They leave great sorrow and shake up behind them. Their desperate cry is heard but there seems to be no answer.

It is imperative that each one follows a path towards their heart now.You can only keep it locked up and frozen for so long before the medical results catch up and life appears to be a struggle and a great challenge instead of a joy and a celebration. It is necessary to become vulnerable. It is necessary to turn to your own, personal inner guidance system, to your heart, to the very flesh and blood that your body represents with its own source of wisdom and truth. It is important to become your own authority. It is important to give love and caring and blessing to the children, to remove them from the rigidity of school and system and bring them into the fresh air of nature and the world of water and tree and magic and beauty. Don’t bury them behind a desk learning how to conform to a world of authority that has no heart. Take back your pride in your humanity because being human and being divine are the two sides of the currency of wholeness and you cannot afford to be spending your coins on mediocrity and hypocrisy.

There are important lessons to follow before the crashing. The greatest killer in your society is judgement. “It begins with your family and soon it comes round to your soul” as Leonard Cohen said. You learn to judge yourself and then you learn to project onto others. This is where you must begin, whatever your practice. It may take you all your life to love yourself, but after all, it is worth it. You are a child of The Great Mystery, of Creator, of the One. Each one is unique, each one is special and has something to offer the Whole. Your individuality is only a pathway to wholeness because in “Reality” you are all One, you are all aspects of each other. You are eternal beings, sparks of the Divine. You are all reflections of each other in your isolation, in your wholeness, learning about re-union, coming back to union. You are dancers. You are not male and female in your souls, in your hearts. You have divided yourselves into two halves so you could experience what it is like to come together. You are both. Each one has a male and a female aspect. As you recognize the “other” aspect of your makeup, you are reaching for your wholeness. Instead of projecting your pain and anger at the “other sex”, try and imagine what it might be like to be in their shoes. All are conditioned into their boxes.


Many are preaching about the “Divine” feminine and masculine. My recommendation is to forget about all that. Does your dog or cat have a “divine” feminine or masculine? By thinking this way you are differentiating between human and divine as if they are separate worlds. You are distancing yourselves from the very truth of wholeness. As you begin  your daily meditation practice, reach upwards towards “Heaven” and downwards towards the core of Mother Earth and bring them both  into your heart, connecting Heaven on Earth with your very center. Just as your different energy bodies have some kind of differentiation as to size and function, so too they interpenetrate the whole being that you are and are only considered as separate for the purposes of analysis and healing. In truth there is one interconnected whole made up of interpenetrating collaborative systems, cells, organs, molecules and atoms, all contributing to one organism that is also part off a multitude of systems, organs and cells in a galactic and global interconnected entity. Which is also interconnected to All That Is.

As you expand your awareness to see the bigger picture, remember to treat yourself and those around you with love and respect. No spiritual growth is possible without it. Be humble, keep it simple. Be true to yourself and your heart. Trust. There are many unseen helpers all around you waiting to answer your call. Life is a miracle and a blessing. Allow what comes to you to be there. Resistance engenders pain. Cry, Rage, feel it all. You are human by design, not by chance. You have chosen to be here. Choose to be here, in this human body. Choose to experience what you have gathered to yourself. No one else can experience it for you. It is your doorway to the infinite. And you are infinite beings. You are loved and protected. Reach out, reach in. Angels are there. Your “aspect” is there too. Enjoy the dance!


New Moon 7th November, 2018



Good evening Raphael we are glad to be with you this evening, Wednesday, May 2nd, 2018

As you open your heart, you change your entire world. When times are rough, it is especially challenging to open your heart and it seems that times are rather stressful as you enter a new phase in humanity’s evolution, for the old crumbles. It is important that there is a new. It is not up to you to change the world by trying to change everything that is wrong. It is certainly important to use your voice, to use your power, and to use your hearts passion to change the situations you find yourself in, by advocating and teaching, and especially by modeling a new way of approaching whatever the problem might be; and to do it in such a way that there is a new vibration; that there is a new experience being created for as many concerned as possible. It is important for you in situations where you feel anger to allow yourself an outlet that is held for your anger, but not to bring your anger to the table. The more you can live in your heart, the more you can live from a place of non-judgment, the more easily and powerfully you will be able to affect situations around you. Places where there is injustice, experiences that relate to health, children, education, to spiritual involvement to the everyday experience of communication with those in your environment.

We are asking you to generate for yourself a spiritual practice, to meditate, to take time for self care, to take time to have fun, to play, to be with your children, with your friends, with Nature. We are asking you not to work on yourself, but to learn how to love yourself. The very first thing you can do towards this end, is take time for yourself. Drink water. Bless the water. Bring healthy food into your home, into your mouth, into your body. Generate benevolent, loving, encouraging thoughts. Disallow, interrupt, reject, pay no attention, to all the voices that run your life that are not You. We say You with a capital letter. You are all. We are not talking about the Big You and the Little you selves, differentiated selves, higher selves or lower selves. We are referring to who YOU are as an essence, as an immortal being, as a human in form, as a human being – The whole of you. For every aspect of you is interconnected. You cannot be separate. We understand that you feel separate. It is your conditioning that creates this reality for you and it is necessary for you to have this forgetfulness around your eternality.

Your eternal reality, your infinite nature or your immortality is not in question. For those who believe or think that this life is all there is, that this planet is the only one that supports life, that you are alone in all of the universes, in all of the stars systems, in all of the galaxies, you are seriously mistaken if this is what you feel, believe or think. Every single atom that you are composed of contains micro particles that interface with all other micro particles in all of the Universe in some fashion that may be incomprehensible to you. It is not so for those who study quantum physics or for those who have pursued metaphysical explorations. You are interconnected with all that is. All That Is, is another name for what some of you regard as the word God. GOD. It is but a word. It has so many connotations for you because of your religious, social and intellectual upbringing. It is laden with judgment, emotion, ideas, idealizations, unreal qualifications or qualities. However, we use this word simply because the dialogue, the conversations that have happened in all of your civilizations, in all of your lifetimes, around this concept of God has created an awareness within you that has been tailored for particular power control energies. We are therefore attempting to reintroduce to you, shall we say, a renovated experience of this word because when you re-define God as All There Is you, take away the idealization, the attachments, the personalizations and the anthropomorphism that have surrounded this word, this concept, this identity in your mind, in your thoughts, and in your experience. This has been your reality, a reality that has externalized this energy, giving it a gender and giving it power over you. We therefore wish you to recognize that the new “god” we are wishing you to experience, is the All That Is aspect of what is within you; the you that is interconnected with all that is, with this intelligence. We want you to bypass any conceptualization, any idealization of this thought form; Free yourselves from any emotions and any concept around this term God. There are not really adequate words and concepts for most of you that can replace these idealizations that have been part of your culture. The Great Mystery, the TAO, the Great Mother or the Great Father. All and many more of these words have power but they do not have the same commonality. Most of your people on your planet have an association with the term God, and you change the nature of the reality around this term, change the nature of the location of this energy, (from outside to within, or all around), by changing the nature of your thought.

            This is what is necessary for you to be able to live in the world of chaos, in the world of pressure, in the world of stress, and have a new experience. It is through the practice of stillness, silence, watching your thoughts, being an observer, allowing, simplicity, and giving everything to God, that you will find your life begins to move in a direction of magic, ease and grace and miracle. A recognition grows that there are also helpers in the unseen that are ready, willing and waiting to assist you as you develop your faith, as you develop your trust in a benevolent universe. For we are here to remind you that the universe is benevolent. The universe is just another way of saying God. The Universe or All That Is, or God has given you the ability to choose, to create, to be your own star. You were given free will. This is the greatest gift of God. How you use it determines the nature of your experience, your reality, and how you show up in the world. For when you stop judging yourself, or others, you become able to experience more and more a state of being which we are calling equanimity, a state of grace.

Consider too that God is also the word love, but more than that. It is God’s love that flows through your veins that is part of the electron flow of every chemical, biochemical, electrical and electromagnetic process that takes place within your physicality within your metaphysicality and within your consciousness. There is a reality in your life to what we are terming God’s love that is similar to the concept of prana, Chi, life force, living spirit, soul, and all of the many terms you use to express the energy that flows through you, that surrounds you, that is within you and that is what makes up the composition of your universe, be it external internal or transcendental.

When you take a moment at the beginning of your day in the middle of your day, or at the end of your day, your taking time out for yourself is felt in all universes. Your experience of going within, your silence, your breathing, your focus of awareness, no matter what kind of experience, or meditation that you practice, the very fact that you do so, is what creates for you an expanding awareness of all that is. Which means you are coming closer to God. You are embodying more of the nature of this flow within your being, and therefore you are actually enhancing life on Earth, consciousness itself, and there is a new definition of God. This practice, however modest it may be, is what changes things. It is how you are able to modify your behavior when you wish to express anger or when you face a challenge. Because you are not alone. No, because you are interconnected with all that is, because you are cultivating an alignment with a higher power, with an inner power, with an elevated process of thinking, you are enhancing consciousness on the planet, and enabling yourself to have a different perspective. As you move the focus away from yourself and your worries, your preoccupations, your emotions, and your opinions, you create more clarity, which enables you to see other perspectives, to see what it might be like for others; it allows you to have more compassion; for yourself, and then for others. Part of your practice is to be aware of the voices in your mind. The other part of your practice is to change the voices in your mind. If you can ignore them, well and good, however you may need to be more firm and replace them with positive, life-enhancing, benevolent and encouraging words. Even the images need to be replaced. The energy of the heart is the energy and place where you make these kinds of changes because in the heart vibration everything is possible. In order to be in your heart, it is necessary to take some time, whether it be one moment, that one moment of silence, that morning five or 10 minute meditation. We will see you in that space. We are wishing you to know that we are always here for you. We are available to communicate with you, answer your questions, assist you in guiding you to make more life-enhancing choices for yourself, as you reach for communication with us.

You can call us your guardian angels. We love you. Unconditionally.

Living On The Edge

Received 21st July 2017.

I highly recommend the book Shambhala, The Sacred Path of the Warrior, by Trungpa Rimpoche. Some of the ideas in this book are referenced in this channeling.


Living On The Edge

I would like to give you a perspective on Living On The Edge. So many of you live on the edge in terms of your daily needs for housing, for food, for entertainment and fun. The money comes in and the money goes out. The Health; You feel fine, and something comes. You believe that you’re aging. And relationships; There are those that cannot wait, and there are those that cannot wait to leave one. Because, no matter where you are, you are practicing living in the moment. Living on the edge forces you to breathe, to pay attention to the moment, for that is where things change – between the one moment and the next; where the phone will ring, or someone will show up, or something will come that changes the dynamic. But it’s like being on the wheel.  It goes around and around; And in truth, everything is in cycles – the seasons; life is full of cycles and seasons. And it’s important to learn, in the moment, when you begin to feel, perhaps a sense of dread, or deep sadness; or the rage rises. Whatever it is that is your trigger, you have created it so that you can understand the edge to be the place of the no thing between the worlds, the chrysalis, every moment unfolding into another. And when you show up in the moment, when you come into your body, when you recognize that here you are. Somehow, you have chosen to be here, and there is no obligation for it to be suffering. For each moment there is resistance to the discomfort, be it emotional or physical, you constantly wish to be in that other moment that is still to come. Or you are living, reminiscing or missing something from the past, harboring or nurturing some pain or disappointment, some resentment; all the places where you have been wounded carry with them memories and imprints. In the moment, they do not exist, when you are in the breath, in this space between, where the resolution comes. You are now in a place where the miracles, the serendipities, the magic come, the greetings, the meetings, the soul connections, they show up;  in the moment, most often without expecting that anything might happen.

100_0164So living on the edge is your opportunity to come back to the path of the warrior, in each moment. And when you have your judgements, acknowledge them, and let them go. Because you trust. You have trusted this far, you have accomplished existence over as many years as you have been alive. You have been before, you will be again, in some manner, in some form, in some place. For you are eternal. Remember that in each moment when you need to take that breath, and then dissolve. You are here, by design, and you are not alone. You are not lost. Everything is moving in an evolutionary path that is for the highest good of all, of the whole, which includes each person. Nothing is amiss. Much is a mess, but Everything is what it is. Everything is in its place in each person’s life. There are no mistakes. Your imagination can play tricks on you. If it’s generated from your pain, from your wounds, from your memories, use your imagination to see yourself living happily. In love, in success, expanding always, without fail, like the breath of God, moving in and out, your breath intermingling with the breath of God. Of All That Is; In each moment that is actually a reality. You are breathing in and out the essence of the LIving Spirit, that is in all life. You cannot be separated from the great web of existence; You are a point of consciousness within that frame of reference. In this moment, everything is, just the way it is. You remove the labels from the experiences, from the feelings, from the connections. You return to the heart, to the intent of the warrior; To show up fully in the moment. And that is enough. It is more than enough. You have watched the interplay between action and non-action, doing and resting; It is your life. Your life is our life; all of the beings in all of the universes that are connected to you. They all exist. There are many dimensions, there are many realities, there are many individuated beings, points of reference. Galaxies of infinite numbers of aspects of consciousness. What’s so called “out there” is the vastness, and the vastness is connected. Every moment of the vastness, every aspect, every point, of the reference points that connect to anything within the vastness; Everything is interconnected, like all the molecules in the air weaving their way through what you feel as space.


Rest in the knowing that Creation is so miraculous, so beautiful, so filled with light. It is but a short time since someone saw your light. A day can seem like a moment, or like a year. Everything is perceived through the senses. Your perceptions are what govern your lives. The few conditions you have for how things need to be or how someone needs to be or even how your life needs to be for you to be happy, satisfied; You  must come to this place in each moment now. This is your path as a warrior of the heart. It is an easy path because it is guided all the way. You have untold help and resource at your disposal. You are learning to be; to be with it all. If you stop judging, everything blossoms. Your idea of good or bad about something outside of you, of yourself; It’s not a contribution to their lives. If you desire to be a contribution, then everything that you do or represent, then there’s no place for judgement and the path of the warrior is to go there, within, first; there can be no judgement of self. You are made of basic goodness, you were created in the image of God. The image is not the whole, but it’s like a button, you press it and it takes you there.

IMG_5175You and God. They are words, are they not? You are God. Also words. God is all there is. All these words are like windows, doorways to realities. The mind seeks answers.The heart finds solutions. The heart does not question, it just feels, just loves. It just accepts. It is possible to live like this. It is your deepest wish to many levels to live this way, from this place. We return each time to the theme of the warrior; The warriors of peace, of a new reality on this planet. Everything that is appearing in your world, is in perfect timing; In some cases for resolution; In some cases it is what is unfolding for you in your development, certain skills, abilities, your channeling, your psychic abilities, your communications with more and more of the beings, of the angels, of the spirits, the trees, the waters; You are cultivating a relationship that is growing, and the masses eventually will experience aspects that will help to soften your hearts, for there is not that much time left; for soul support. In some ways, it will wait for you because it’s designed for you, and it’s designed for the whole, for everything. And the heart, we said, are the solutions. It is enough that you live from the heart; it is enough that you teach, that you model this. That is all that is required. Chip away at your sculpture. Remove all the chips of old patterns, old thoughts, old ways, old stuff, old objects, “old”, in that its no longer of use to you. Not “old” in wisdom and experience, we’re talking about something that comes from the past that is not needed anymore and has become old and worn out. And you allow it to leave, to die peacefully; No longer needed. “I have done my job”. You are free of doubt, you’re free of lack, you’re free of angst, you’re free of fear. As the warrior knows, one becomes fearless as one becomes egoless. So as you breathe out and dissolve, you’re dissolving the doubts, you’re dissolving the old ties.

IMG_5177It is important to be in Nature, to be on the Earth, with the waters, with the trees. Your connection to Mother Earth must be strong now. You need each other. You love each other. She is your Mother; we are your father, shall we say. We all love you. We are excited to be with you on this journey, as you expand into multi-dimensional consciousness, for that is what is being offered to you. You must be the way-showers for those to come, so it can be easier and easier, for the many to release all the old burdens. The past must be over. In some way it must be released. It must be done in each person’s heart, and mind and body, to forgive, and you may say, forget. That which is of love will remain. It is indestructible. Love is indestructible. You are love. You are made of the pure energy of God’s Love. It is transmitted through Light. As you grow in Light, you embody more of God. This, in many ways, is your gift to Creator. You expand God. It is a profound reciprocity. Reciprocal. It is profound. The connection that you have with what you call or think of as God.

IMG_5599_2Whatever way you come to peace, that is what you are learning by living on the edge, finding a way to return to that moment of breath. In and out. In and out, out and in. This simple practice is really your work. Breathing with awareness, with emptiness.

This very moment is filled with peace. As you breathe in, go to your heart. You are the sun, the brightness, the warmth, there in the center. allow yourself to rest for a moment; nothing to do, nothing to worry about, nothing to think about. If you do it for just a moment, right now, to sink, to sink into a soft, soft soft space where your whole being can dissolve. And when you begin to breathe in again, you realize you are continuous, as long as you are breathing. You are existing. It was determined that you should be here. It was determined by your Higher Self, that you should come to this Planet now. It was determined that you would graduate from this school of hard knocks, this plane of suffering; that you should graduate and celebrate, that you have crossed that pivotal threshold in the evolution of consciousness of life on this planet and that your presence here is a momentous thing. And you get to experience that by acknowledging it, and being it, and becoming it. This is why we talk of the path of the warrior, the warrior of the heart. The Path-showers, the trailblazers; the return of the divine feminine and the balance of the divine masculine; represented in the real lives of more and more men and women, women and men. This unfolding is happening. Many are experiencing symptoms; unusual emotional, sometimes, very  uncomfortable. The Ascension Syndrome, it has been called. You are being bombarded with cosmic energies from the Galactic Center. You are shifting and changing and it is necessary to purge, to open your hearts to what is showing up for you, and allowing it to bring you relief. Feel it, and let it go.IMG_4896

Remember always to go back to the breath; back to the heart, back to the Mother, back to the Father. Whatever you do, you are connecting Heaven and Earth. Whatever you say, you are connecting… spirit and matter. Whatever you think, you are generating, creating, perhaps destroying. Through the very act of breathing, you are weaving together your life force with the life force of all on this planet, an eco-web of consciousness. As you live in this quantum field more and more, more and more opens up. Know that you are always  protected, that you are always guided, that you are always loved.

We are in many ways aspects of you from the future. We are your assistants in this Great Work, as you are ours. We  are so grateful to serve you. This is the 21st of July 2017 at the foot of Grandfather Tree, living on the edge. We love you.



Good evening to you, Raphael,

We would like to share a message with you for those who may be interested to hear, for today many are eager to hear the words of the Divine Wisdom of the Feminine, of the Goddess. So although you may know me more directly as Mary or Miryam, I am merely an energy that transmits vibrations from the aspect of God Essence that you call the Divine Feminine, or Sophia or Isis, or Mary, be it the Mother Mary or the Magdalen, or any other form of Mother energy.

We wish to talk about cultivating the Feminine, AND the Masculine. It is especially important for men on your planet today, to recognize that they are in fact made up of a combination, in equal amounts, of both masculine and feminine energy.

Imagine the heart shape you are familiar with the curvy rounded M at the top and the broad V at the bottom forming the familiar heart shape you use on all your greeting cards and computer icons or emoticons. Then it is easy to see that the heart is divided into two halves – just as your physical heart has two sides divided by a septum or wall, with each side, complete unto itself but also comprised of two chambers, one to send and one to receive, masculine and feminine.

It may be difficult for you to imagine that you are comprised of two halves, so to speak, that for the women, there is an equal component, equal in size, importance and value one with the other. What does that look like? What does that feel like? Can you, who are identified with yourself as a woman, imagine that you have a masculine side that you may not have come to appreciate – qualities that you may be reluctant to acknowledge, because the world of male has alienated you and harmed you, and so you hold it in low esteem or with fear or judgment, or horror! And for those men out there who have to maintain the appearance of strength and invincibility to recognize that have softness, tenderness; that they can receive… These are not comfortable things to contemplate.

And yet the fate of your planet and its survival depend upon this understanding for there is nothing that will bring about the healing of the Earth and its creatures as this understanding that it is essential for the masculine – the real, human masculine – that is men and the halves of women that are represented by their masculine side – to allow themselves to recognize that the role of men is to protect, honor, respect life – not just of “their own” that is men, but all life, not the destruction energy. The shift that is necessary must emerge from the cultivation in men of their true nature as protectors, and this shift incorporates a recognition of their human, feminine, soft, receptive, intuitive nature, the essence of compassion, mercy and responsibility to uphold the safety and sustainability of the collective.

The women will need to encourage men to be honest, gentle and intuitive and learn to recognize their feeling nature, for in many ways, men are light years behind the women in emotional maturity, mostly because they have not been encouraged to even come close to recognizing their feelings by their peers, parents and politics. The culture must shift, is shifting, and it is requiring women to step forward into positions of leadership that portray a different model of leadership, not the one that requires a dominator consciousness, but one that recognizes the power and value of cooperation and collaboration, of sharing rather that dominating.

The heart is the common denominator, the mid point, the center of this new recognition, for it spans the place of balance between heaven and earth, the within and the without, the mind and the body. Just as there is a balance point between the two opposite aspects that constitute duality, there needs to be an understanding that there is constant flow in the sub-luminary worlds, the yin/yang, the positive/negative, the constant flux that is the hallmark of life in the 3rd dimension, the underlying composition of the material plane, that is based on the electromagnetic flow of current and movement from positive to negative and negative to positive polarity. So too, we want you to realize the importance of flow, of the constant movement in and out of breath, of life, of soul energy, of life and death; and always there is the place of union that is beyond, between and within this flow of duality. Do not negate anything, do not deny anything!. There is light and there is darkness and always there is a place of balance. As you come to recognize this within your own reality you begin to adapt more and more easily to the changes that are upon you now.

You are not here to be spiritual. You are here to be human. You are already both. You are human angel, divine and material. The less you see things from a polarized experience, the more easily you flow, and the easier your life becomes. We, in the “Angelic” realms are here in your existence because we want to help you to have an easier time, less suffering, less struggle. We bring a message of ease and grace. It is not about “saving the world”. Life is precious. All life is precious. It is an expression of God’s love. It is Creation in expression, creativity. You were given free will, for what? To create!. You have heard the idea that you create your reality. What does that mean? It means you are responsible for your own experience. You may not be conscious of it. It may seem like something outside of you is responsible, to blame, imposing something upon you. You are so much more than your mind, your body, your will, your thoughts and feelings. You are eternal, infinite, immortal beings, created in the image of “God”, whatever that means for you at your stage of evolution.

The question was asked, can a man be an embodiment of the Divine Mother. Why not? is the answer. You have assumptions about everything. If there is a feeling of such abundant love and enfolding and softness and nurturing, and the being that emanates this energy has a male body…. Perhaps this person is an embodiment of the Divine Mother. Do not discount anything. The world has a hard time accepting that the heart is the primary organ of consciousness because the brain has become the dominant eye through which you perceive reality. We encourage you to recognize brain, body and heart as each carrying its own particular wisdom. You need all the wisdom you can get these days, so why not accept that you have three aspects of yourselves that wish to impart their wisdom to you. Pay attention to your bodies. Pay attention to your hearts. They have been left out of the equation of the totality of who you are. Know that you are dearly loved, otherwise you would not have come into existence. If you can give attention to the little things, the small pleasures, the smiles, the moments of peace, of love, of smelling a flower, of breathing a waterfall, of taking a walk, and then allow them to grow. All you have is the moment. Everything else is an illusion. Each time you breathe, you are embodying the miracle of life. Each time you pay attention to that breath, you are acknowledging that you are alive, that you have the power to carry on, you are not alone, and there is another moment that can be different, can be unique, can be special.

When you have challenge, whether it be relationship, resource, health issue, each breath carries you into a new moment and as you learn to live in that moment to the full, a new dawning can occur in your consciousness that, just maybe, you will get through, you will manage and there is always help as you turn to us, the angels, the guides, the helpers in the invisible worlds. Pray and then feel that your prayers are being answered, someone cares, someone is listening and they will help you. And there is no death, only transition, only flux, only change. The language of the heart is connection. Everyone is hungry for this. Connect to something, someone, an animal, a person, a tree, a flower, a toy…. Feel the Earth beneath your feet, feel the air, the wind. See yourself connecting, listen, feel…. What does your body say, what is your heart saying. Stop the mind’s constant babble and listen. We are there in the stillness, the Holy Mother, the Goddess, the Divine Feminine, the Father, the simple unadulterated mind of a child, the breath, the moment; God’s love.

The first message is from The Angels and was received at Grandfather Tree on 3/18/2016

Grandfather Tree

IMG_4625“We all have great accumulations of suffering stored in our bodies; The loss of a parent, a child, someone. Abuse. So much pain, so much anger is accumulated and stored in the cellular memory of the body. In order for this world to become a sane place, in order for humanity to survive, in order to be happy, it is necessary that more and more people are able to release these old burdens from the memory held within the body, so they can be free. But they can also create a ripple effect, to open the hearts of everyone they know, everyone they love, so that more and more hearts can be open. Because, as the mass switches towards more and more of the craziness, of the violence, of the mindlessness, there has to be a greater counterbalance to bring it back home to the heart. It is our work, for the heart thread and for all of those who are awaking now.

It is important to be open, to open the heart, and to open hearts. It is so important because the new model of society, of unifying civilizations into the heart space is what is happening for the planet, and for all who are able to participate in this. There is nothing to do. We are so busy doing, that we get lost in the doing. We get lost in our story. We get lost in the pain, in the anger, resentment, the hopelessness and the despair sometimes, the pain of a breakup or loss, or rejection, a misunderstanding. All of the emotions that a human undergoes can be cathartic. They help you to wake up. It is pain that also brings about an awareness of something beyond. The ability to experience that others have pain too, that they are like you, that they too carry this human imprint of suffering, then you can begin to recognize that you, your brother and your sister are all the same in the eyes of Creator. No one is loved more or less.

Just like the sun shines equally everywhere, so too does God’s love that which created everything that is, that is continuing to pour into the entire universe. This love is available to be received and felt, to be experienced and used, to transform the emotions that keep us in bondage so that we can be free. We can be clear. We can be free of our old patterns that are based on what came to us as children, and what we brought to this world when we came, and what is seeking to be healed and clarified. We each carry some special gift. Some carry many, but we each have that special one-pointed uniqueness that is an individual spark, your soul, your connection to Source. That spark that created all that is, is the same spark that created you and that sustains everything.

It is our privilege and blessing to experience what we call life, awareness, consciousness. We have evolved.

We have evolved. Our minds, our consciousness have grown since the early times when genetic implants helped to create the human beings that you are now. Your intelligence has developed. Your ability to be within an environment that is changing rapidly is a measure of your intelligence. And so, as you deal with what comes up, you are refining, you are honing. It is like sharpening the knife, sharpening the blade of the samurai sword, polishing it, bringing it to such a fine edge that it can slice through hair along its length.

You are so much more than you think, than you realize. You understand, you are taught that you use 10% of your capacity, of your creative ability, your interconnectedness with all that is through the DNA, your 12 strands; beyond two; your multi-dimensionality and your interconnectedness with your galactic brothers and sisters, with your neighbors; with the creatures that dwell within the earth, above the earth. You have yet to meet your friends in the animal kingdom. In the plant kingdoms, in the rock and mineral. There are souls waiting to greet you in every tree that are connecting, that you are connected to. But you do not see.

You do not feel it until you go to that tree and talk to it, relate to it, share with it. Recognize there is a soul that has a different way of communicating, has a different kind of nature, and yet is able to communicate with you. As you experience this, you will recognize how interconnected everything is. This is the nature of God, of God’s love. It interconnects and interpenetrates all that is.

Creator has given us the ability to create. What a gift. We were given a life, and then tools to use that life. To create. What are we creating? For ourselves, for the world, for Creator?

It is possible, and it is time to direct our creative energy to an evolved planet that recognizes its interconnection with all the other planets and all life, and recognizes its oneness within the framework of God’s love and that which God has created. There is nothing that is separate from God. Because however you call it, however you think about it, whatever image, whatever understanding you have of that which you call “God”, it must include all that is. Everything is God. That is how we know, that is how it is. It is also imbedded in our soil, our blood and our cells. That there is a flow, an electromagnetic flow, that carries information, that carries light, that carries communication, that carries the voice of Spirit. It can be shared and experienced as unity.

And so it is possible now for this evolved consciousness that you have become, moving into the next level of experience as a creative source of creation, from Creator’s love expressing in this world. We are evolving together a new world, benevolent, unified, safe. You are invited to participate by opening your heart, finding someone to love, to care about, to consider perhaps, “what is it like for them”? Those that you judge, those that you hate, those you abhor. What is it like to be them? Perhaps you will have compassion when you feel the misery that breeds actions and thoughts that can harm another. When you understand that when you hurt your neighbor you hurt yourself, that you are all that is, that everything and everyone is an aspect of your consciousness and what you’ve created. The world is a collective consciousness of all of you creating all of you, just like God does. Just like God is. An endless infinite process of creation. You could define God in this manner. The most amazing intelligence possible beyond imagining. You have that behind you, under you, inside of you. Within the atom is this unified field. It is in every atom of your being. There is programmed within you, in every cell, in every atom, this consciousness of God. Of creative energy, of life force, that pulsates within you. This is God and this is you. There is nothing else but God’s love. And everything is an expression of it.

When you recognize the feeling of recognizing that this is something that can be felt, this love of God; it can be felt in that warmth, somewhere in the midst of all the suffering, there are moments of warmth. Put your energy and focus there. Remember them. Let them begin to shine and warm up more and more until you feel the glow always. For you will be safe in that space. When you recognize that you are protected, you are guided. There are beings that watch over you and are waiting for you to ask for help, tell them what they can do to bring you less stress, greater happiness, a sense of peace; A desire to help another; An ability to listen; To recognize yourself as this unique creation that has never been, will never be again in this form, with this being, this body, this summation, this intelligence and this consciousness and this personality. You have it all. It is all laid out before you. A garden. The garden has been trashed, and it is time to clean it up. We, we’ll call ourselves the angels, wish you to please clean up the garden. There are children waiting to come and play in it. We love you. We thank you. Bless you.”

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