Tag Archives: Oneness

Guru Rimpoche (Padma Sambhava) Excerpt

The 11th Voice, New Earth Council, given October 25th, 2020

“It is more important for you to allow that consciousness of the quantum energies to be a part of your life now.

What that means, on a very simple level, is that you start to live with miracle and magic. You start to expect everything to go well. You start to expect to get that job, just because you can, because it is for your highest good. For if it is not for your highest good, the job will fall away. It is time for you to have ease and grace and great abundance in your life even though the voices around you are screaming and screeching and saying “We do not know where our next loaf of bread will come from,” and there are many that are caught within this mindset. It does not have to be yours. There is need for great compassion and yet there is also need to understand that each one creates the reality around them that they hold dear to themselves within their hearts and carry forth into reality through their belief structure. We have asked you to replace those belief systems of limitation, of judgment and of “do not believe, do not feel worthy;” all those things that you have inherited. Let them go and replace them with a brand new story, with a brand new direction, understanding that the law of attraction works and that when you focus on the negative, that is what you attract. When you focus on the positive, your life becomes full of positivity. When you use and drink pure water, when you use the Shungite for your protection and for your enhancement and when you use it to create from a negative vibration, a positive one, and you become living Shungite yourself, you become a transformer of that which is negative into that which is positive and which brings hope and comfort and joy and peace and brings benefit, so that those who do not have enough become empowered by your energetic Rainbow Body to believe in themselves enough to have that loaf and those fishes and allow them the power to multiply them, because they no longer are subject to those old stories of “poor me” and “I cannot” and “I’m not good enough” and “I don’t deserve,” and “I can’t.”Rainbow Body

It is important also for you to recognize the value of creating around you boundaries, of creating that sphere of protection, but also of allowing yourself and your energetic field to expand to fill that sphere so that your energy system moves outside of you and is able to access the help you require, is able to accept and access the answers to your questions through your communication with these beautiful energies that are here with us. Your Guides, your Angels, the Archangelic ones, the Avatars, the Holy Beings of Light are all accessible to you from within that sphere. As you expand your light field, you also expand your protective shell, shall we call it. It is not just a one way, it is also a, like with the cell, a semipermeable membrane where the benefits and the beauty and the joy and the gold and the love can come in and the brightness of your light can go out, but negativity, because it is too large of a molecule, shall we say, cannot penetrate through that membrane. Allow yourself too, with that which is called the bellows breath, to breathe out your light and your breath out to the outer reaches of the Universe, as far as your consciousness can go, and you send out your vibration, and then you call in the help, the resources, the inspiration that can now come directed back to you as you breathe back in, so that the bellows breath becomes an automatic extension of your Rainbow Body with each breath. For as you breathe out, you send out your vibration to the edges of your consciousness, and as you breathe in you receive from the Universe the empowerment that you need to expand more and more and more. The bellows breath becomes an amplification system. It becomes like a transformer that expands your consciousness and your light out into the world, and it brings you everything your heart desires, everything you need, and it gives you access to the miracles and to the magic, to the ease and grace and abundance, and to the health and the exciting love-filled relationships.

The three elements of money, of love and of health become filled with blossoming for you, and you are able to let go of any imprints, of any implants, through the voice of your command, through your connection with your highest selves and through your understanding of your oneness with all of life and the interconnectivity with all life and your ability to expand your selves into this great Oneness, that which you regard as your cellular structure of body, that which is your emotional body and your mental and your spiritual and you allow it all to operate as a holistic energy that’s providing you the greatest benefit, the highest levels of systemic expansion, of protection. Your immune system becomes stronger and stronger and the genetics become aligned with your environment of that which you are directing towards it, so that every gene is following the directives of your highest levels of consciousness. That 3D6C88E0-5A28-4B6C-8DC5-DAFFC6207B14Golden Light that you call in, that pours in from above and into you from all levels, becomes the way in which your consciousness attracts to you a genetic makeup that is all positive and that does not carry any vibrations from ancestral patterns that are no longer beneficial to your biology. As you do this too, you are healing your ancestors, you are aligning with the ones of your ancestors that have been shamanic practitioners or medicine people or have been great wise ones and are there to continue to teach you and to help you. And so, you help your ancestors to separate the wheat from the chaff. Those that are still mired in negativity are given the opportunity to expand into light, and those that have been your great teachers are allowed to expand their levels of connection with you so that they become your teachers and you become your teachers’ teachers, and you begin to bring to the children a new level of understanding of what is possible, of how to generate the New Earth, how to create structures that are sustainable and that are pleasant, that bring joy to the heart, that bring mirth, laughter, that bring the end of this heaviness, this doom and gloom and this seriousness.

So everything becomes light, both in weight and in energy, of vibration. You are constantly raising your vibration in order to move into that fifth dimensionality, so that from there you can begin to scope out other dimensions. Why limit yourself to 5D? or to 5G! You do not wish that. Allow yourself to expand at the same time as you hold that core, as you anchor your body and your consciousness in that deep connection with Mother Earth.”

Ganesha Excerpt

Ganesha Excerpt      October 18th, 2020      Voice #10

“I invite you for one moment to feel again that breath, that space of stillness, to feel my presence behind you, supporting you, holding you, loving you. Allow that stillness to penetrate your whole being. Allow everything to melt within that pink and gold, within that light. Allow your shoulders to soften, to feel the warmth of love, of softness, of tenderness, to allow those burdens to dissolve, to fall away, to melt into the dust, into the waters. Allow yourself to be unburdened, to be free, to be pristine within the essence of who you truly are, without the encumbrances of all those imprints, of all the ideas of how you should be. Imagine you are sitting upon the great beast, directing this one, this elephant, to take you where you wish to go, like Dumbo, flying through the skies with you upon the back. Imagine this great beast, carrying you safely through the jungles and forests, carrying you over the mountains, bearing you wherever it is you need to go. Imagine the support of one such as I, of such power, and imagine the great love as you sit upon me, as you direct me to assist you in overcoming your obstacles. Let it all go, because you can, “Just like that.”  

We will pause for a moment, to look you in the eyes again. We would like to show you something. Can you see? (A painting of Ganesha is shown). GaneshThat is who I am, carrying that little axe, carrying the flower, pink and gold. I come to you to bring you tidings of great joy. As you work towards the season of the birth, of that Being of Light that came to instill in Humanity’s heart the understanding of the God being within, of all being One, of the bottom line of “Love each one as you would love yourself.” And love yourself, as you would choose to love each one. A time of celebrating with family and friends if it be so for you. We are bringing you that sense of peace that we wish for you to have always, now. It is vital for you to know that you have that sword by your side, that you have that ability to discern, that you have that ability to cut through the illusions, to let go of your obstacles, and to rise to the occasion to become Masters, to become teachers, to become adepts. You are the ones you have been waiting for. You have come here to teach. You have come here to lead, as we have said, you have come here to create structures, new structures for a New Earth. It is imperative that you let go of every single thought, of every single obstacle that would keep you from fulfilling your destiny. For you have contracted to be here at this time to hold that radiant space of God’s love within your heart, within your soul and become the full expression of it.

That one Christ taught the divinity within, and it is your guiding light. It is that place that we wish for you to find within yourself. For it is not outside until it is within, and then you become that radiance that allows everything to be a reflection of that inner light that you are cultivating each day. As you practice your meditations, your moving, your time in Nature, your communicating with the beings, the creatures, the trees, with all of life; as you go into the stillness, the silence, into the peace more and more often; as you remember to take that breath, it becomes easier and easier for you to see yourself as Light; To know that your light is not just shining upon and through you, but is emanating from the very center of your being.  You have come to be that light on the hill, that lighthouse. You have come to hold truth, the truth of Oneness. You have come to demonstrate that possibility of forgiveness, however hard it may be. This is your work. This is your mission as Warriors of the Light, as great Warriors of Truth. It is your mission to shine the Light wherever you possibly can and allow yourself to be the Light.  


Apollo, Excerpt

Apollo was the third Voice of the 12 from the New Earth Council. Here is an extract of the message from Apollo

ApolloWe want you to experience this in the same way that you experienced the warmth of the Sun’s rays upon your skin. We are asking you to feel that they are expressions too of God’s love, filling all space, filling all time, going backwards into every single life of yours (if you want to see it from a linear perspective or if you see it as a parallel perspective). All of your lifetimes, all of your experiences in any dimension are now being filled with beautiful rays of God’s love. We are asking you to take a nice breath and allow yourself to feel it in your body, in your heart, in your mind. Do not try to make sense. Just feel it. Every day, when you do your practice, ask to feel this love. Express it through your actions, your words, thoughts, your feelings. Transform everything that is not love into this beautiful, magnificent warmth, this golden Light and energy. That is one way of seeing and feeling that which you are, for within this beautiful radiance of God’s love, you are all melting into each other. And as you do this, you melt everyone into the same vibration of Oneness.

You are here to establish these structures. They are structures of Oneness. They are structures of the energy of coming together, of resolution, of finding ways to live in peace and harmony, in cooperation; of letting go of that struggle for survival, that struggle that requires you to think in terms of competition, in terms of scarcity, of limitation, in terms of seeing yourself as in any way limited, in any way diminished. For you cannot diminish God’s love and you are it. You are it! The Buck stops with you! You have to be God’s love in action, in motion, in expression, because that’s what you are. This is beyond the illusions. For everything that is not God’s love is the illusion. It is a long stretch perhaps for your mind, but your heart knows how easy this step is and your heart will now direct your and instruct you as to how to proceed to dismantle the illusions, to dismantle the belief systems that have not worked, that have created separation, dissension. They have created an idea that there are others that are to be feared. Each Human Being, no matter how dark their experience, has this connection with God’s love. Within their heart is the spark, that same Sun, Solar Logos energy within the heart of each Being that has consciousness; because it is the nature of your consciousness as a human that God’s love, that that spark of Divine Fire that you are, is there embedded in your very center.

It is written in your Bible that you were created in the image of God. What is more so, is that man, especially, that Human has created God in the image of “Man;” and this is perhaps the greatest illusion of all, for it hides many truths that are hidden in the annals of all of your so called, teachings, of your sacred works. Only that which is of the heart is sustainable, as we have said before. Only that which resonates with Oneness is allowable any longer for you who are on this path of the Spiritual Warrior. Only love, only Light is your Reality now. Each time anything else pops up in your mind, each time a voice from the past, from your father, your mother, your peers, your teachers, that says you are not good enough, that you can’t, that you do not deserve, that you are too small, too large, too old, too fat, too skinny, too whatever; that you take these concepts and you throw them away and you do not allow them to occupy your mind.